Saturday, September 29, 2007

Tantra and Men

Zental here – I am bringing more light today to the relevance of Tantra for men. Tantra is essential in assisting us men in coming back to wholeness and connectedness with our heart, soul and consciousness. One of the fundamental practices for men in Tantra is learning how to separate ejaculation from orgasm. In developing more capacity in conscious breathing, muscle awareness and focus we can begin to unravel the collapse of love, romance, lust, shame, fear and guilt… just to name a few emotional collapses we have with our sexual energy.

In the beginning when I was first introduced to Tantra at the age of 15, the thing that attracted me most was being able to last longer. As I grew older and my understanding and experience in falling in and out of love became broader I became more conscious of owning my own pleasure and feelings which gave me much more freedom in experiencing and letting go. When I am in the sexual energy I am the most open, vulnerable, receptive and loving as I will ever experience in this physical form. Once I developed more capacity in consciousness, focus and my “Observer” or “witness” while in this life giving energy I was able to free myself from the bounds of my unconsciousness, ego attachment and my survival mind. I also got to see and let go old stories and interpretations that no longer served me. In the process I have recognized the intelligence of sexual energy as indicated in creativity, joy and pleasure and how this flows into other areas of my life that seem completely unrelated to sexual energy.

Through practicing Tantra as a man I have discovered more capacity in sinking into that vulnerable, receptive and loving state that happens while being present to my sexual energy. This state of being can be described as “feminine” and the recognition of it has assisted me to be more fully grounded in my “masculine”. This in turn has created more space for my partner to dance in her feminine.

Share your thoughts with me: What has your experience been with the “feminine” and “masculine”.