Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Train Your Love Muscle and Ground Yourself!

Here is one of the key secrets: Connect with your life force energy and ground yourself in your pelvic floor. It’s the place of the base center or root Chakra. 

Activating your pelvic floor muscles (the Pubococcygeus or Love Muscle) coordinated with the breath will do wonders for you. Fear of survival, worrying about the future, being afraid of not being good enough reside as constricted energies in the first Chakra. When we release those energies we come back to the ground of our being. 

The following practice will assist you in this process by increasing the flexibility and strength of your pelvic musculature, releasing tension in the sphincter muscle and activating your life force energy that emanates from the base of the spine. 

Sit in a comfortable position on a chair or meditation cushion – close your eyes.
  • In order to locate the PC muscle, squeeze your pelvic floor as if you were holding back the urination. Then release the muscle. Repeat this for a few times and then relax the muscle – all the way 
  • Now, take in a deep breath filling your belly like a big balloon. On the exhalation visualize sending the breath down and out of your butt into the cushion of your chair 
  • Now take a deep breath in filling your belly, chest and all the way up to the top of your head. On the exhalation squeeze and release your PC muscle for several times to the bottom of your exhalation 
  • Then breathe in filling your torso from the bottom all the way up to the top of your head – if you can keep squeezing and releasing your PC muscle on the inhalation do so 
  • On the exhalation speak out loud while working your PC muscle: Squeeze – release, squeeze release, and so forth until you arrive at the bottom of your exhalation 
  • Keep going with this practice for a total of 6 inhalations and exhalations
  • Then relax the muscle all the way and continue in your own rhythm of breathing 
  • With your eyes closed notice how you are feeling in the area where you were squeezing and releasing 
  • Upon completion open your eyes
Enjoy and have fun with it!!!

Please click HERE to get access to the audio of the PC Practice.