The purpose of my intention is for TantraNova as an approach to become accessible and teachable independently from me. I am of the conviction that this would be a powerful way of making a difference in the world to create conscious relationship, sexuality and intimacy!
The coaching practices I am talking about are of different nature and one set of them we named “Recall Practice”. A “Recall Practice” allows a student or client to explore what drives their present day behavior, emotions, constraints or struggles as they relate to intimacy, relationship, love, sexuality, womanhood, manhood, the feminine or the masculine, and so forth. Most of what we think about, do or act upon in our present life was learned and appropriated at an early time originating from infancy, childhood or adolescence.
It looks like that: If I find myself over and over again in the same pattern of relational, sexual, intimate or love struggles it’s an indication that “my radio dial” is set at a certain frequency. If I want to change something in my life I need to change the dial setting. First I need to get what my dial is set for – and the “Recall Practice” is a great way to learn about that.
The past generations of our certification graduates have helped and supported me in my own development as an intimacy and relationship coach. Within the next week we’ll have a dedicated page up on representing a number of TantraNova practitioners. Please take a look at who they are!
By the way if you’d like to learn more about how to apply and share the “Recall Practice” you may want to look into our Certification Level I & Certification Level II certification programs. The next round starts March 9, 2008.
Write us at with further questions or thoughts on your “dial setting” and what you’d like to change in your setting so you can get what you want in your life.