Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Feminine and the Tantric Practice

How does all of that we have talked about like “breath”, “sexual consciousness”, “energy awareness” in our previous blogs have to do with Tantra? Quite a number of years ago, when I, Dr E from, delved deeper into my tantric studies I had a profound experience, namely a sense of coming back to my wholeness.

You might have seen the July-September 2007 issue of the magazine “What is Enlightenment” ( The theme of the issue is on “women, enlightenment, and the evolution of culture.” I got inspired by a quote from a conversation between Andrew Cohen and Ken Wilbert featured in the magazine: “Women’s liberation – a new women’s liberation – is of the utmost importance if we are ever going to truly effect profound change in our own consciousness and culture at the leading edge.”

My consciousness as a woman got drastically changed out of opening up myself to my creative, feminine being. It had all to do with learning to connect to my life force energy that emanates from my Yoni center. The term Yoni derives from Sanskrit and means “the Sacred Space of a woman” – her feminine sexual center including her genitals and reproductory organs. Relating to my sexual center as a Sacred Space that nurthures me, allows me to be grounded in my feminine essence, and is the well of my creativity altered my Being fundamentally. I gained a new understanding of myself as a woman and a human being as I rediscovered my inner connection of my sensual/sexual being with my emotional, mental and spiritual being. Wholeness within and integrity with myself has become available to me as an ongoing reference point to tap into.

The practice of Tantra allowed me to come into this full integration. By sifting through the blocks and misconception of my relationship with my life force energy, early unpleasant or unresolved experiences and feelings, and learning to breathe into and through my whole Being has allowed me to come home to myself. The tantric practice has taught me to open into my flow of energy that is ever present through the breath and the focus via my inner eye (the Third Eye). The result is being at peace and at home with myself and experiencing a sense of liberation and wholeness from which to act and interact with others and in the world.

I invite you to write me with any questions you may have. To learn more about the way how the breath, energy awareness and connecting with your life force center could support and work for you go to