Hello everybody - thankfulness and appreciation!
Well, it's been a couple weeks since our first three day seminar retreat "Secrets to lasting intimacy" and "TantraNova Man" show at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. First of all … everything was fabulous. We were met at the airport upon our arrival by a wonderful driver who let us know if there was anything we needed just to please let him know. Yea, I remembered that I needed a basketball for a scene in my show -- and for sure in a couple of minutes he got me this little pink girl's ball which worked beautifully.
At the check-in desk we were met by our program coordinator and her boss, then shown to our beautiful room with a great lake view. The grounds at Kripalu are absolutely breath taking. If you haven't visited there yet then put it on your list of things to do in 2010.
Shortly after getting situated in our room we were introduced to our seminar assistant and taken to the session space… it was very spacious, chairs for 30 participants set up, a great sound system, and more. The three-day seminar retreat was an absolute success all around: there were openings, breakthroughs and aha moments! It felt like the nine years of Elsbeth's and my teaching all came together in one synergistic time capsule at Kripalu!
Saturday was a long teaching day and very rewarding! That evening I had the opportunity to perform my TantraNova Man show. Once again we were assigned a, A/V specialist to see us through… he had a wonderful way with people and lots of sound experience. We couldn't have done the show without his technical assistance.
We were set up to do the show in their new annex building absolutely beautiful, wooden floors great lighting the perfect space. There were 200 people in attendance, lots of laughs, and the message of the show opened things up for people. People came up after the show saying that the show reminded them of why they came to Kripalu in the first place: rediscovering peace, the creative Self within and an intimate familiarity with intimacy!
My personal experience of doing the show is that when I am in front of a group of people there is a tremendous opportunity to transform space and distance and connect to the power of the oneness.
We are looking forward to teaching and performing at Kripalu again sometime in the future!
Love & Light, Zental